Discover how to kickstart your journey to

freedom, impact & abundance!

Hello working mom, are you ...

  • working yourself to exhaustion in a job that gives you neither meaning, fulfillment nor recognition?

  • longing to dedicate your energy and skills to creating positive impact in the world?

  • dreaming of a life of freedom, financial affluence and abundance?


Discover how to start your

Soul Purpose Business and kickstart your journey to

freedom, impact & abundance!


are you ...

  • working yourself to exhaustion in a job that gives you neither meaning, fulfillment nor recognition?

  • finding yourself thinking "There has to be more to life than this"?

  • longing to dedicate your energy and skills to creating positive impact in the world?

  • dreaming of a life of freedom, financial affluence and abundance?


Discover the 10 first things you MUST do to start an online business that 

  • fulfills your soul purpose and creates positive change in the world,

  • brings in enough to ditch the daily grind, retire your husband, and support your favorite causes,

  • enables you to create a life of freedom, impact and abundance for yourself and your family,

  • allows you to work less and spend more time with your kids than you currently are!

What my clients are saying

"Your work has really helped unstick me from being

frozen in fear"

Barbara Malliner

Stay-at-home mom

"Discovering you and your work has really helped "unstick" me from being frozen in fear. I had entered a very deep and dark rabbit hole just before I found you. And now I am feeling in a much better place.

You have 
helped me find my voice and I will happily recommend you if I come across anyone I feel is in need of your program.

Thank you for the work you’re doing."

"I can now

create my own


Laura Kehoe, PhD

Environmental scientist

"Katharina has shone a light on my own blindspots and helped me understand how I can create my own well-being.

She has a gift for gently showing me the processes happening within my own mind that are thwarting my well-being.

I have done a lot of meditation over the years, so I thought I was fairly familiar with the contents and functioning of my mind, but I still managed to miss crucial insights that Katharina skillfully

alerted me to.

I am immensely grateful to get to work with her."

"I am not afraid anymore

of feeling something,

embrace it"

Vania Duarte


"Before I met Katharina, I was suffering from anxiety, stress and overwhelming worries. I had tried psychological therapy before but I wasn’t satisfied with the results. 

The sessions with Katharina opened my eyes and allowed me to see things from a different perspective. 

Because of my work with her, I am now more able to express my opinions and change the way I react to events.

I am not afraid anymore of feeling something, I embrace it, and that for me has been one of the best lessons I learned from Katharina."

"Each session left me feeling positive, energized, and armed with tools to improve my professional and personal life!"

Leo Super


"Katharina is an outstanding and natural life coach who provides not only perfect professional insights but also supplements them with relatable personal life experiences. Katharina comes prepared and energized to each session, during which she carefully listens, and with ease and immaculate timing, provides thought-provoking perspectives and practical tips easily applied to everyday situations.

Before a mutual connection recommended Katharina to me, as a working parent, I was struggling to manage my professional goals, and to focus my time at home and work in the new hybrid work environment. Katharina's command of English language is superb which enabled us to establish a trustworthy connection quickly. She provided me with nuanced introspection of my various difficult situations. Each session left me feeling positive, energized, and armed with tools to improve my professional and personal life.

I wholeheartedly recommend Katharina, as I am confident she will meet and exceed anyone's expectations."

"I highly recommend Katharina - she has been of enormous help to me through this healing process!"

Yemi Kinni-Olusanyin


"I was in a very stressed state before working with Katharina. I had just taken on a new role with an unhealthy level of expectation for myself, which she quickly helped me realize. Katharina helped me see that my stressors were mostly from imposed expectations I had placed on others & myself, as well as negative thoughts accompanied by excessive rumination.

I really appreciated the fact that I was given the space to fully express my thoughts and have someone trained dissect them in a healthy and beneficial way. She provided insightful and meaningful feedback that was actionable to help me gain clarity and experience release. I now have some tools to use as checkpoints to question unproductive thoughts, thus clearing my mind to channel my energy healthily and alleviate stress.

I highly recommend Katharina for your coaching needs. She’s been of enormous help to me through this healing process, and I’m sure she can be of great help to you too."

"Katharina has had a huge positive impact for me which has served to transform my life!"

Kevin Beerstecher


"Katharina has helped me to recognize things about myself on a deeper level, which has served to transform my life since we started working together.

Her instinctive abilities allow her to facilitate me seeing my experiences from a different perspective, although I never feel pushed to come to a conclusion that is not truly authentic for me.

She is passionately dedicated to helping people transform their lives; I was making a difficult series of transitions and was feeling really stuck until we started talking.

I always feel listened to and emerge from our discussions with a concrete set of actionable plans that have helped me to overcome that sense of inertia I was dealing with.

She has had a huge positive impact for me and I recommend her for anyone struggling to move forward through these difficult times."

© 2024 Katharina Hellmann Coaching

© 2024 Katharina Hellmann Coaching

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